At Skillzone we encourage feedback, we pride ouselves on elite sports coaching and we value all of our participants and love to hear all the success stories, please feel free to contact us with feedback via E-mail.
"I joined the Skillzone womens fitness program 12 months ago, the coaches make sessions enjoyable and are always introducing fresh ideas, whats more im feeling fitter and healthier than ever before"
"Skillzone coaches have been taking my son for one2one soccer coaching, his confidence has never been so high and he has recently been accepted into the state team"
"my daughter has had her last 3 birthday parties with skillzone, the coaches make the parties stress free for me but the kids absolutely love the coaches"
"skillzone comes into our kindergarten on a weekly basis, they interact with the kids and introduce them to sports and hand eye co-ordination, the program has been a hit with everyone"
"my 3 kids go to the skillzone holiday camps, it is very reasuring to know the kids are in a happy and safe enviroment whilst i have to work, highly recomend the program to anyone with children!"